Monday, September 13, 2010

Swan Boats and Ducklings Statue

We had a goregous day at the Public Garden. (okay, so it was a month ago from the post date!)
Emma was so excited after reading Make Way for Ducklings to go for s Swan Boat ride and to see the duckling statue. Alot of the excitment happened just on the "T" ride in. A real train ride like Daddy does to go to exciting!

Mommy and Jack enjoying a smile together. (some funny business behind the camera:-))

Not our boat, but one we went by.

"The ducky in the book", Emma said.

And finally we get to the duckling statues. Emma had to sit on every single one!

And finally Mama duck!

Emma was a sleep before we even left the garden and slept the whole, very loud, "T" ride home...tired baby:-(

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