Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Baby Jack is here!

Jack Caldwell Drago
5 pds 4 ozs
17 1/2 in
September 24, 2009, 7:01pm

Mommy went into preterm labor on September 19, 2009 . They gave Jack steroids to help develop his lungs and mommy drugs to help stop the labor. We went home after a few day hospital stay and then were back in the hospital a few days later with advancing labor again. This time it was unstoppable.

We made it to 33 weeks and he wasn't going to wait any longer. Mommy got the epidural and we waited and waited and waited. Finally that evening it was time to push. Luckily with a 5 pd baby you only push for a short amount of time.

Jack got an 8/9 on his apgar score and is doing great. He is currently in the NICU at BWH. He is working on breathing on his own, feeding, temp control and keeping steady heart rate without any drops or "bradys" or apnea.

Mommy eating a tuna fish sandwich after delivery. She hadn't eaten all day and was staving...anything would have tasted good!

Mommy's first touch.

Poppy and Mimi meeting baby Jack.

Big sister Emma's first meeting with her little brother. She wanted to take him out and open his incubator...very cute..out out, open it, she kept saying.

Daddy's first diaper change. Changing a boy is much different then changing a girl.

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