Sunday, May 23, 2010

Family Day and Truck Touch

Truck Touch? What is that? Who knew it would be such a hit. We had a nice family day and went to a truck touch and kids fair. They had lots of trucks..firetrucks, semis, tractors, ambulance, backhoe, school bus, police name it.

Emma as a school bus driver...

Emma driving a firetruck...
Emma using a fire hose...

Emma got her face painted!!!!...I never thought she would sit and let the woman do it but she surprised me and wanted to sit and told the woman she wanted a yellow flower to match her shirt. So cute:-)

Jack and his Monkey

Mother's Day

It was an early start with the Annual Run for Women. Not only was it early, but it was also colder then anyone thought. Emma ended up wear 2 coats including Mommy's.

Mommy's ran with her "Mommy" friend Betsy. It was lots of fun running and catching up all along the way.

The best part was when Emma got to cross the finish line with Mommy.

Grandma enjoying her mother's day with her grandkids.

Emma with her favorite things...Mimi, Grandma, Dora, Ella, Elmo, not particular order:-) Happy Mother's day!