Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm 6 months old!

Jack turned 6 months old today. We started him on rice cereal on Sunday and he is eating it like a champ. No funny faces or spitting it out...a true eater! He has mastered rolling from his back to his tummy but not visa versa. He is perfectly content there. Today, has a half way birthday present, he sat unassisted for the first time.
(BTW, the onesie he is wear was the one that stimulated the conversation in the prior post.)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Little Miss Precousious

At lunch todayI was holding baby Jack on my Lap while Emma was eating:
Emma, "Mama, Baby Jack has an instrument on his shirt".
Me, "an instrument?" (jaw on the does she know what an instrument is??)
"Do you know what instrument?
Emma, " A guitar".

She blows me away...Where does all this crazy vocabulary come from!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Jack's Christening

We had a wonderful day fill with family and nice weather. Jack looked so angelic in his white outfit and cross from his godmother Paula.

Jack got to met his Aunt Nancy. It was love at first sight.