Thursday, February 25, 2010

Jack is 5 Months old!

Introduction to the O-ball

Since Jack has recently found his hands and has been able to hold things for brief periods I thought I would introduce a few toys. The first was the O'ball.

He thought it tasted good.

Mr. Whoszit tasted good too.

Don't you just love this face!

Emma was having fun making funny faces for the camera. For every few pictures I take of Jack I have to take one of her:-)

Living large the Bumbo

Little Monkey

Don't I look like my sweatshirt?! Hence why Mommy call me "Monkey".

I love my Tummy!

I could hang out here all day....

Mommy's snow bunny

Emma and Mommy took advantage of the wet snow to make a snowman. He only lasted a few days til we had a crazy 50 degree day followed by days of rain.

Who looks like who?

Lots of people are saying Jack is looking like Mommy and Emma looks more like Daddy...hhhmmm...jury's out...look at how serious they are!