Saturday, December 26, 2009

Xmas 2009

This was Emma's first xmas where she really enjoyed opening presents. In fact we had 3 straight weekends fo present fun. First her birthday, then Xmas is Vermont a week early, then xmas at home. We keep joking she is going to think she gets presents every weekend.

Here she is among the presents in Vt. patiently waiting...

She also loves opening everyone else's presents too!

We love Baby Jack's 1st smiles.

Uncle Andrew feeding Baby Jack and keeping him quiet;-)

Baby Jack giving grandma kisses!

Santa came!

Annual Drago Cousin picture

Uncle Andrew Santa Claus...he's working on the beard for next year:-) hahaha.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jack with his Grandpas

Jack had a great time and was wide awake and alert hanging with his Grandpas this weekend.

Happy 2nd Birthday Emma Grace!

Emma had her 2nd birthday party this weekend. She had so much fun with her friends and family there to help her celebrate. Silly faces, pizza and cupcakes...what more could a 2 year old want!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Goggle Girl

Emma cracked me up today when I picked her up from daycare. She was insisting on wearing these goggles, singing "Under the Sea". Did she know she was in a snow parka? We were laughing all the way home.

But it didn't stop continued into bath time.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Making cupcakes with Grandpa

One of Emma's favorite activities is baking. She has a blast baking cupcakes with Grandpa. Although I think what she really like was eating the batter!