Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall Leaves

Emma apparently didn't have to be taught how to jump in a leaf pile. Who know it was second nature to a 2 year old.

Jack update...

Well, Jack was suppose to come home but had another brady cardiac spell so we waited another week. Then 24 hours before he was suppose to be discharged again he had another major Apnea spell. In addition to this spell he was sleeping more then he should and wasn't eating. His crits were low which meant he was getting more and more anemic as the hours went on. The Dr thought it best to give him a blood transfusion. Very scarey for Mommy and Daddy. We went to the hospital to sign the paper work, then held our baby boy for hours as he was getting his transfusion.

The next day, we all (including the NICU Dr and nurses) were breathing huge sighs of relief as he was screaming his head off starving. He is back to eating every 2-3 hours like a champ and weighs over 7 pds! And(knock on wood) no spells. We are counting the days til he can come home! Happy 1 month birthday little man!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Just Jack

Here so some recent pics of baby Jack. He is up to 6 pds, no more feeding tube and coming home next week!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Apple and Pumpkin Picking

We took a break from hospital visits to take Emma Apple and Pumpkin picking at Connor's Farm up in Danvers. It had finally stopped raining and the sun came out just for our visit. It turned out to be a beautiful warm fall day.

First order of business was the toddler hay bail maze....Emma loved it and ran through the whole thing. Towards the end she realized that she could just climb over the hay bails instead of running around them.

Then the apple picking...first the low ones and putting them in the bag...

Then eating one...

Then the high ones...

and still eating...

Then feeding Mama...Yum!

Then onto the pumpkin picking....oh there were some many to choose from...

She first picked a little one for baby Jack. Then a BIG one for herself.

Oh this is heavy...