Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lunch Playdate with the Cousins

My cousin Gail and her husband Jim and baby Audrey come over for pizza and play this rainy afternoon.

There was lots of fun with bubbles....Jim was a very good bubble blower:-)

Hugs for sweet!

And of course lots of fun with toys!

Uncle Andrew's big birthday weekend!

Although I had to go to bed before the "fun" part of the night, here I am cuddled with my favorite Uncle Andrew on his big birthday.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bath Time!

While Kara and Brendan stayed with us while their stairs were getting done we decided to let the girls take a bath together. What fun we all had getting clean!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Meeting Lila Grace

We spent the weekend with our friends Tara and Nick and meeting their beautiful daughter Lila. Emma gave kisses to her new friend.

It was such a nice day on Saturday we all went for a walk to the park.
The swings were a big with with everyone!

Daddy teaches Emma about the slide...

It was a huge hit!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Yes we had MORE snow this week and another snow day...but it was fun to take Emma sledding.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Emma's first booboo

Emma's got her first real booboo this weekend. She has been so accustomed to walking inside, walking outside is alot hard as she found out!

But a kiss from Daddy makes it all do Dora the Exlpora bandaides:-)