Monday, December 29, 2008

Our next CEO

Need we say more?

Christmas in Vermont

We had lots of family fun in Vermont this Christmas. Emma had her first real taste(and I do mean taste!) of snow. We went sledding and built a snowman. Emma wasn't quite sure what to make out of all of it but she wasn't complaining either. She even laughed a little during her sled ride.

Getting ready for our first sledding experience!

Mame and Emma were all smiles;-)

Here they go...It was much more fun lying down.

Like my first snowman? Not too bad huh?...okay so I had a little help:-)

Friday, December 19, 2008


Emma started to test her legs last week, now she is walking all over the place! Its like it happened overnight. First we had a baby, now we have a little girl who is all about her independence.
She is fearless...a little scarey for Mom and Dad.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Emma's 1st Birthday, December 13, 2008

We started the morning with a few presents from Mommy and Daddy. Emma was more interested in the bows on the presents then ripping the paper. Mommy ended up unwrapping all the presents she wrapped asking herself...why did she bother wrapping them in the first place.

Then the party...more presents... now she was a much more interested.

There was singing and cake...and a very tired baby.

Finally on Mame's lap Emma partook in her first birthday cake. Yum!

"I'm not tired any more Mommy!"

Mommy and Daddy were so busy running around we didn't take a lot of pics but there were about 10 babies and 40 +adults present to help Emma celebrate turning one. Thank you to all of our family and friends for your love and support. It has been an incredible year.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Down at the Farm

After Thanksgiving at the Dragos, we travelled up to Vermont to visit with Mame and Papi for another Thanksgiving dinner. While we were there we visited wiht their neighbor Phoebe. Phoebe owes an ostrich, goose and several horses. Emma wasn't quuite sure what to make of the animals at first but then started to warm up to the horses.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Eating Pear! Yum! favorite

How do I get some? This is hard work but I'm determined!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dance Moves II

No caption, just's hysterical;-)

Dance Moves

If you thought she was a talented musician, wait til you see her dance moves!

Rock Star!

Here is Em practicing to be a rock star drummer!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Finger Painting...really?

Okay so it was pudding and food coloring but she had a blast! And it tasted good too;-)

"Look mom, yellow and blue make green!"
Aaaahhh...such an art teacher's daughter;-)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Emma walking with a little help.

Here's the video of Em taking her first steps without someone holding the walker to help her. Now there is no stopping her. It's all she wants to do. Mom's not quite ready for this big milestone to happen:-( But it's still exciting.

Bella' 1st Birthday Party

Georgia and Emma went to Bella's 1st Birthday party this weekend.

There were lots of toys to play with...

Books to read...even in our party hats!

And walking to do...Emma took her first steps alone with the walker. Very exciting milestone!

Look at me out here I come!!! (We took video and are working on getting it up)

Friday, October 31, 2008

1st Halloween

This was Emma's 1st Halloween. She was a Tulip Pixie. We have lots of fun visiting family and her friend Georgia even came over to play. Cute little pumpkin! She even had an animal cracker and tiny tiny piece of chocolate!

Getting ready at Grandma and Grandpa's...

Visiting Auntie Paula...

Hey Georgia...this is the best night ever!

ooohhhh...what's this?

How do I get this chocolate out?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Picking

This was Emma's first time in a pumpkin patch. She loves pumpkins and was all smiles the whole time.

Of course there was a place to pose for pictures....Daddy couldn't resist;-)

hhhmmm....which one???

"Hey guys...these are almost as big as me...they certainly weight more!"

Friday, October 17, 2008

Fall fun at the playground

It was a beautiful fall afternoon for a meeting at the playground. Emma and her friend Noah rode on the cars, swung on the swings and had their first time on the slide.

"Hey Mom, these cars rock. Can we get one?"

"Hey Emma, want to go for a ride"

"Wow, this looks pretty high."

"Hey everyone, look at me!"

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Raiding the Fridge

At such a young age Emma is already raiding the fridge! Not to mention getting into everything...

Monday, September 29, 2008

Maine adventure

We went up to Sebego Lake in Maine to Brendan's Grandparents cabin. It rained all weekend but still a great time was had by all. Especially the babies;-)

And let's not forget the Lobsters!

DC Visitor

Saurabh came up to Boston not only to see the Red Sox/ Indians Series but to finally met little Em.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Big Girl Bath

Since Emma has been crawling and pulling up on everything she can get up on, bath time was growingdifficult and dangerous in her infant tub. Now she is in the big tub and loving it.

This tub is bigger then my baby pool. This is great!

Fishing for the Captian

What a lifesaver!